A life with more confidence comes with a healthy body and a relationship with yourself.
Learning these skills takes time, and we need to surround ourselves with professionals and like-minded people to grow faster and more smoothly.
If it takes hard work and patience, I do not believe anymore that hustling and chasing our limits every day will make it happen faster.
We have been told to go hardcore, heads down, through the pain, and it works to a certain level. But If you are like me, we are looking for the long run.
Believe me, I have been the guy pushing through everything, hitting my head into a wall. Literally, when I was a kid. And today, I herniated a disc last June after having back, shoulder, and knee pain for many years.
There is a more thoughtful way to do things; it is not as badass but more compatible with a long, confident life.
Don’t let me trick you.
Lifting heavy stuff, sometimes raising your heart rate close to its maximum capacity, and learning how to eat better, sleep better, and manage your emotions and stress are very, very hard.
But it is far easier than being in chronic pain ( fit or not fit).
Far easier than being overweight.
Far easier than being unable to walk a few steps and being out of breath.
It’s far easier than watching your kids grow up and take the same path as you do or not being able to keep up with their energy.
It’s far easier than being obsessed with being unable to look at yourself in the mirror.
On the other side of the tunnel, you find relief in not being as worried about your future.
Your friend, Sciatica, stops reminding you to take it easy today.
No more morning pills.
You don’t have to listen to your overweight doctor’s advice.
You can say yes to a hike with your friend.
You can order what you like when you occasionally go out and feel great about your decisions.
You get this knowledge forever and can teach them to your people.
I have not worked out for two and a half months, and I am only doing weird and boring exercises like in the pic to rebuild my twisted body. I lost 17 lbs so far, mostly muscles. And I now worry less about the way I look than I was when I was a “big” piece of meat that couldn’t move without feeling some level of pain.
A transformation will challenge you, and there will be days when you want to quit remembering the pact you signed with yourself to accept the pain.
Since we took ownership of Black Bear Fitness almost five years ago, my staff and I have worked with hundreds of people, helping them to feel better and more confident.
It works because Erika, Matt, Heather, Randy, Ben, and I committed to doing the work ourselves, and we understand that we will always have things to figure out.
It works because our community has evolved with us, replacing egos and drama with respect, openness, and compassion.
We are looking to help more people like them.